Insight Leadership Monthly Gathering

13 January, 13:00 CET, online

Monthly gathering of the Insight Leadership community, an opportunity for the community to practice and explore together a mindful leadership topic.

Who is this for?

Leaders, managers, HR professionals, and coaches who are interested in practicing mindfulness and in bringing the mindful elements into their professions.

There are no requirements other than your open presence. If you have any questions, please email us at


This is a practical session to explore your strengths, deepen your mindfulness practice and connect with others.

Session focus topic: Nourishing Happiness.

13 January, 13:00 – 14:15 CET, online.

Our Facilitators

Tran Vinh Tan

mindfulness facilitator, MBSP and Zen practitioner, specialized in leadership and flourishing.

Jaume Gallifa

Jaume is a coach (ICF), MBSP and Zen practitioner, specialized in transformational change, and flourishing.

Ian Sneath

Jaume is a coach (ICF), MBSP and Zen practitioner, specialized in transformational change, and flourishing.

Other Insight Leadership Monthly Gatherings
